Checklist For Choosing A Great Print Shop

When you need a professional print shop in Phoenix, you want to make sure it’s the right fit for your project, that’s why it’s important to do your research and ask around before committing to a new printer.

We’ve put together this list of questions that will help you find out if they’re really the best match for your particular needs:

Get A Recommendation From Someone You Trust

Ask a friend or colleague who has used the Phoenix print shop for their opinion and if you don’t know anyone personally, ask a local business owner.

If neither of those options are possible, then contact a professional at the company that you are working with if they offer printing services. This can help ensure that they will be honest with their opinions and not just try to sell their own services.

A Print Shop With History Of Working In Your Industry

A good way to do this is by checking Phoenix print shop website and seeing if they mention any other clients in your field. If they do, then it’s likely that they’re familiar with the challenges of printing in that industry and will be able to handle yours as well.

If you don’t see any examples of work done for people similar to you on the site or through asking about specific projects, then it may be worth asking if this company has ever worked with anyone else like yourself before or anyone else from your industry at all.

Test the customer service of the print shop before committing to work with them.

  • Ask for a quote- you should never sign up for anything without knowing what it will cost you, so it’s important to ask for an estimate before committing to work with a print shop.
  • Check the turnaround time- if you’re working on an extremely tight deadline, it’s good to know exactly how long it will take for your project to be delivered by the printer and when in that window of time they expect it from you
  • Ask if they can provide samples or proof of work, this way, if something comes back wrong after being printed, there isn’t any confusion about what went wrong or why you can just compare the sample with what was printed and see where things went awry
  • Make sure there aren’t any minimum order quantities or minimum order sizes required by law where your business operates; some states require businesses who sell products containing alcohol must order at least 12 cases per year before placing an order with distributors


The print shop you choose should have experience working with similar projects to the one you have in mind.

You don’t want to use a print shop that specializes in custom t-shirts and then ask them to make your company’s logo on a coffee mug, or vice versa.


The Many Services A Phoenix Print Shop Can Provide

The most common service provided by Phoenix print shops is, of course, printing. This includes everything from business cards and brochures to billboards and banners. If you need any printed material for your business or personal use, a Phoenix print shop can help you efficiently create precisely what you need. A Phoenix print shop can provide all types of services, including:

• Screen Printing
• Letterpress Printing
• Offset Printing
• Digital Printing

Screen Printing

Screen printing prints designs onto fabric, paper, or other materials. In the screen-printing process, a stencil is created by placing a negative of the desired design on top of a mesh screen. The stencil can be made out of metal, plastic or acetate. Color is added to the screen using inks pushed through the stencil and onto the printed material.

Letterpress Printing

Printing on paper with moveable type is accomplished using the letterpress printing technique. Printing using a letterpress is regarded as a relief process, which means that the letters are raised above the surface of the paper rather than being incised into the surface. The procedure starts with a plate engraved with all the information required to make a single page of text.

After that, this material is distributed to other channels of the media. Following that, the plate is dipped in ink before being placed into paper, which causes an imprint to be left on the surface of the object. Then, the ink is pressed and heated while being transferred from the plate to the paper.

Offset Printing

Offset printing is a method of printing that uses a printing press to transfer an image from a plate onto a rubber blanket, then to the paper. The process is completed when the ink on the blanket dries. Offset printing has been in use since 1875 and has been used for commercial printing and artwork.

Digital Printing

Digital printing is a type of print that uses a digital press to reproduce your artwork on a wide range of media. Digital printing can be used for large-format banners, posters, brochures and more. Digital printing differs from traditional offset printing in that the image is directly applied to the substrate using inkjet technology instead of being transferred from film or plates onto paper using an offset process.


No matter what your business is, finding the best Phoenix print shop is essential. Whether you need print materials for your company or you’re a business owner looking to ensure your marketing materials are produced carefully, finding the right printer to meet your needs is essential. The best printers provide accurate quotes, fast turnaround times, and quality products.
